Legislative Action
Congressional Testimony
Protecting the Public from Waste, Fraud and Abuse:
The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2009
Protecting the Public from Waste, Fraud and Abuse:
The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2009
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Chairman Towns and members of the Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform, I am proud today to express the strong support of the
National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) for H.R. 1507, the Whistleblower
Protection Enhancement Act of 2009. I commend you, Mr, Chairman, for holding
this important hearing. NTEU is most grateful to Representative Chris Van
Hollen (D-MD) for sponsoring this legislation along with you, Mr. Chairman,
Representatives Platts, Maloney and the other co-sponsors.
NTEU has a long history of supporting comprehensive whistleblower rights
and has been working in coalition with numerous national whistleblower
advocacy groups to get the best legislation possible toward securing, maintaining
and protecting the free speech rights of federal workers. Whistleblowers perform
a vital function in highlighting instances of waste, fraud, abuse, and
mismanagement in the federal government and by government contractors.
This bill would strengthen whistleblower protections for federal employees,
including those in the national security arena and the thousands who work for the
Transportation Security Administration (TSA). While this bill is important for all
federal employees, the coverage of TSA workers is of particular importance and
Making sure federal employees are protected from retaliation—and have
available to them meaningful ways to exercise those rights—are particularly
important in today’s economic climate. The best protection taxpayers have to
ensure their money is being spent appropriately is the ability and willingness of
federal employees to step forward when they see instances where that is not the
case. This legislation will help ensure that federal employees who do report
instances of fraud, waste and abuse are appropriately protected
This legislation is now needed more than ever with the Obama
administration’s focus on restoring the public’s faith in government and
transparency of government operations. These enhanced whistleblower rights
are essential for the success of the federal stimulus program passed by
Congress and signed by the President.
The measure the Committee is considering today is the first major reform
of federal whistleblower laws in 18 years and cures numerous weaknesses in
existing law by:
• creating procedures for federal employee whistleblowers to have
their cases heard in federal court and allowing all circuits of the
appellate courts to review whistleblower cases;
• closing the loopholes which have prevented national security
whistleblowers from obtaining protections; and
• legislatively overturning the Supreme Court’s Garcetti v. Ceballos
decision, which prevented government whistleblowers from
obtaining first amendment protection when they reported concerns
“internally” through their chain of command.
It is essential this legislation retain the important provision regarding TSA
employees. NTEU cannot support this bill without it. NTEU includes in our
membership thousands of TSA workers who lack many of the basic rights and
protections other federal employees enjoy. This is a critical matter not only for
them, but for the traveling public whose daily safety and security rests in their
hands. The legislation would extend whistleblower protections to employees at
the Transportation Security Administration. TSA employees currently have limited
whistleblower protections yet are charged with the frontline security of the U.S.
aviation industry. It is clear that employees with such important responsibilities
need adequate protections when reporting serious issues that may impair the
ability of the agency to live up to its mission.
Mr. Chairman, I thank the Committee for this opportunity to present our
union’s views.