Priority Issues

Our legislative agenda is set for the year, and now it’s time to advocate for the issues that impact you, your family and your daily working life now and into the future. 

Every NTEU member can make a difference by getting involved in our grassroots program. When we band together and amplify each other’s voices, members of Congress take notice.

Increasing Federal Pay
Supporting an 8.7 percent average increase in 2024

Protecting and Enhancing Benefits
Fighting for paid family leave
Blocking efforts to reduce retirement benefits while increasing employee contributions
Opposing shifting additional costs to FEHBP enrollees

Ensuring Agency Funding
Calling for adequate funding for our agencies
Advocating for needed staffing, training and resources
Defending the IRS funding boost and supporting a boost in CBP funding

Safeguarding Workplace Rights and Protections
Opposing efforts to resurrect Schedule F or any plan that would weaken merit-based civil service
Opposing using the Holman Rule to target specific employees with salary cuts

Promoting and Supporting Telework and Remote Work

Supporting legislation to strengthen and expand telework programs
Opposing a bill to revert all telework arrangements to pre-pandemic levels