NTEU members join a community of like-minded employees who have access to top-notch workplace representation, exclusive news and information, and money-saving discounts.
One of the most important benefits you have at work is your NTEU contract. It is a binding legal document that outlines your rights as an employee and restrictions on what managers can do. It puts in place programs like telework and alternative work schedules, and provides key protections, like challenging performance reviews you believe are unfair.
As an NTEU member, you have a say in the negotiations process and what NTEU’s bargaining team should press for at the table. And when a tentative agreement between NTEU and your agency’s management is reached, only NTEU members can vote to ratify the contract. As a non-member, you have no say in the decisions the union makes on your behalf.
NTEU members stay on top of federal employee news with our exclusive e-newsletters, publications and special access to the members’ only section of this website. Information is power, and NTEU members are better informed than anyone else in the federal government—managers included.
NTEU members also enjoy money-saving discounts on everything from tax preparation software to professional services to travel and car care. Learn more here.