Your Voice Matters, Join Us

If there’s one thing every BLM employee has in common, it’s the pride we feel in our work.

We chose a path that allows us to work to preserve some of the most beautiful places in the country. We enjoy the challenge, the teamwork, and the rewards that come at the end of a good shift. But today, decisions are being made at our agency without any input from us – the people who do the real work of BLM.

We want to ensure that we can keep everything we love about our jobs and not be forced to relocate or take a position we do not want.

We are concerned about what’s happening to our public lands in an era of intense cost-cutting where the focus is on money-making. Sometimes we are short-staffed or asked to do more with less. We have good ideas that would make things even better, but our words often fall on deaf ears.

We can keep the BLM we know and love by working together, supporting each other and using our combined strength as a community to make our voices heard.  

The best way to do that is by organizing a union with the National Treasury Employees Union--NTEU.

NTEU is widely respected as a strong advocate for federal employees, driven by the principle that every federal employee should be treated with dignity and respect. Since its founding in 1938, NTEU has grown to represent 150,000 employees in 34 different federal agencies and departments, including within the Bureau of Land Management.

Submit an 1187

Our BLM Union

BLM employees at the New Mexico State Office recently voted to be represented by NTEU. In a short period of time, they have seen the benefits of union representation. 

We know there is power in numbers. That is why BLM employees throughout the country are looking to join their colleagues in New Mexico by forming their own NTEU chapters. They will do that by working with NTEU organizers, talking with coworkers, and conducting educational lunch and learns to provide information and answer questions. 

Once enough workers in a specific office sign a 'Form 1187' they can have a secret-ballot election with the Federal Labor Relations Authority. Once they have elected to have union representation, NTEU negotiators will work with them to determine priorities and bargain the best possible contract with BLM.

Roadmap to a contract

Submit an 1187 

Want to know more? Hear from fellow federal employees!
Hear directly from NTEU leaders and members about what makes NTEU great.