NTEU is in a major fight against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which wants to strip their NTEU represented employees of their basic workplace rights.
HHS wants to want to eliminate AWS, telework, performance awards, transit subsidies and many other negotiated rights and benefits that employees currently enjoy.
Today it is HHS. Tomorrow it could be your agency.
NTEU is calling on all our members, governmentwide, to get involved this Friday during NTEU’s ‘Shame on HHS’ Day. On Friday morning, NTEU President Tony Reardon will be hand-delivering a petition signed by thousands of HHS employees to the office of the Secretary of HHS, Alex Azar, telling Azar that HHS needs to stop this nonsense.
Also on Friday, HHS employees will be wearing NTEU shirts and a “Shame on HHS” stickers.
You can help us by tweeting Secretary Azar using his Twitter handle @SecAzar and using the hashtags #SHAMEonHHS and #UnionStrong.
Shareable graphics for your on Twitter or Facebook are available.
Please tweet or post these messages and graphics on your personal time and don’t use government equipment.